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Our Treatments

All of our treatments can be performed at your own home or at our studio, Yurt in the City. We are based here every Wednesday and Sunday, please explore our available treatments and get in touch to arrange a booking.

Massage Therapy Treatments

Massage Therapy

Tailored Holistic Massage

A freestyle massage for anyone; targeting areas with a fusion of deep tissue and soft tissue techniques depending on your preference; along with release tension stretches to help restore the mind and body with a unique holistic approach.

60 minutes: £50   |   90 minutes:  £70   |   120 minutes: £100


Pregnancy & Postnatal Massage - Wellbeing for families and mothers to be

A variety of safe techniques are applied to promote deep relaxation, help with sleep patterns, reducing joint pain swelling, help with sciatic nerve pain and aid further comfort throughout the different stages of the trimesters, including early stages of labour. Using pillows and bolsters to ensure optimal comfort and safety. Connecting mother to child & beyond! 

60 minutes: £50    |    80 minutes: £68 

Pregnancy Couples Connection Touch Workshop

– relax and pause together!

Something a little extra to help with breath work, holding and grounding techniques; along with gentle touch skills before the new arrival. Helping you both feel connected through the mind body & spirit!

Price included for both of you! Located in the beautiful Yurt  |  60min - £68

New Birth Package!

One pregnancy massage. One mother postnatal massage and one partner postnatal massage.

Bought all together 3x  - 60min Treatments  - £140 

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Women's Womb Healing 

This massage focuses on helping restorative practices that particularly affect women’s health, by restoring the balance of hormones within the body. For example with postnatal birth experiences, menopausal issues, pms and abdominal and womb healing. Using a fusion of massage touch and Reiki intuitive techniques. Giving an overall sense of grounding and reconnection.   

60 minutes: £50   |   90 minutes: £70    

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Indian Head Massage -  Including face, neck, shoulders and scalp

Indian Head Massage is a relaxing treatment that uses acupressure points within the massage; focusing on the Meridian Lines. This can be good for conditions such as anxiety, stress, depression, headaches/migraines and for overall clearing of mindspace & foggy head. Help improve energy levels and over all wellbeing.

60 minutes: £50   |   90 minutes: £70    


Couple’s Massage

 A wonderful experience! Both benefiting from tailored treatment with two therapists. Having time out together. Available to friends, mothers and daughters as well as partners. My speciality is for pregnancy couples. Creating bespoke memories together or bought from loved ones as a gift.

60 minutes: £110

Energy Healing Treatments

Energy Healing

Massage Reiki

If there is a particular area that needs that extra boost of care and focus; perhaps after an accident or injury, the hands-on Reiki healing will be a beneficial addition. This process will happen during or towards the end of the massage. 

60 minutes: £55   |   90 minutes: £70    |   120 minutes: £100

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Focused Energy Healing Treatment

From a young age I could see patterns of light colours or sense a colour in a moment. Now I’m older I have realised this experience is working with energy! and it has helped me to understand what is needed. I use a fusion of Reiki healing, Indian Head, light colour theory to help identify and release built up emotion-or stored trauma from the body’s past experiences. Energy blockages can play havoc with our bodies. 

My hands on approach leads the way clearing your mind, allowing your body to deeply relax into a state of calm.

60 minutes: £55   I recommend a course of two sessions

Online Readings

Online Readings


Distance Healing

Distance Healing is available when we are unable to meet in person. If you’re feeling like you need some support with alleviating emotions or blockages to help you to feel lighter with moving forward. Reiki energy healing can be sent and received to you without the need for physical presence and can be felt across distance.

30 minutes of this will be a Zoom meeting   |   60min - £45   |   Course of two sessions £80

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